Frequently asked questions

This section addresses the concerns and questions that people and their families often face when they have been repatriated or are in the process. Identify your case and know the options you have to solve it.

How do I recover the money I had with me at the time of detention if it was seized by immigration authorities?

At the time of detention, immigration authorities usually hold the money and other property that the detainee is carrying.

It is common that in the case of deportation the authorities issue a check for the value of the goods and / or money withheld that can only be cashed in the United States. This situation generates complications, especially when the deported persons have the urgency to have access to that money. In this case, it is recommended that you ask the entity issuing the check to make one of the following options:

  1. 1. That the check be reissued in the name of a family member or trustworthy person who has an account in the United States or to a humanitarian organization that provides these services under power of attorney;
  2. 2. that the check be endorsed to a family member or trustworthy person of the owner of the check who is in the United States and has a bank account.  

For more information you can consult the No More Deaths Organization Manual ""How to help migrants recover money and retained belongings"" in the following link.

Guía de la Organización No More Deaths "Cómo ayudar a migrantes a recuperar dinero y pertinencias retenidas"
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